Engage everyone,everywhere.
Free tools to teach and learn anything, on any device, in-person or remotely.
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Used by more students in schools, homes, and offices around the world.
Using Kvizzing for Distance Learning

Students ALWAYS see questions on their own screen.
No stressing about whether everyone joined your video conference.

Bring people together (apart) with live Kvizzing and
Build community and keep everyone engaged—even if you’re not in the same place!

Assign Kvizzing and engage families on their
Create student-paced assignments, share flashcards, and get families involved too.
Explore millions of teacher-created Kvizzing

English and Language Arts
Social Studies
World Languages
Creative Arts
Computer Science and Skills
Career and Technical Education
Never grade another worksheet

Pick the perfect quiz or create your own
Choose from millions of free teacher-created Kvizzing or quickly make your own.
Students engage at their own pace
Play a Live Game together or use Homework Mode. Students use any device and progress independently.
Put feedback to work, no grading required
Students have a blast, we do the grading, and you see what they know now and where you'll take them next.